How much water do I give to an aloe plant?

Denise Phillips
by Denise Phillips

how much water do I give to aloe plant or how can I know it dead cuz it not growing HELP No green thumb

  6 answers
  • Natalie Natalie on Mar 26, 2019


    • Place in bright, indirect sunlight or artificial light. A western or southern window is ideal. Aloe that are kept in low light often grow leggy.
    • Aloe vera do best in temperatures between 55 and 80°F (13 and 27°C).
    • Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. To discourage rot, allow the soil to dry at least 1 to 2 inches deep between waterings. Don’t let your plant sit in water.
    • Water about every 3 weeks and even more sparingly during the winter. Use your finger to test dryness before watering. If the potting mix stays wet, the plants’ roots can begin to rot.
    • Fertilize sparingly (no more than once a month), and only in the spring and summer with a balanced houseplant formula mixed at ½ strength.
    • Repot when root bound, following the instructions given in “Planting,” above.


  • Joyce Holden Joyce Holden on Mar 26, 2019

    Aloe is a succulent plant, so they are used to a dry environment. I usually water mine once a week, but stick your finger in the dirt and see if it is wet or not. Aloe doesn't like to have it's roots wet since this will cause them to rot. Make sure you have good drainage like sand or packing peanuts in the bottom, so the excess water will drain into your saucer instead of keeping the roots wet. Aloe needs to be in partial sun or they will get sunburned.

  • over watering is the most common issue, it need to be kept very dry - less is best!

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Mar 26, 2019

    Aloe grows slowly so I water mine every other week. I just test the soil by touching it with my finger. They don't need much water

  • Mr ATC Mr ATC on Mar 30, 2019

    Not to much actually, They prefer to get spray with water. And it works much better

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jul 18, 2020

    Hi Denise, aloes need lots of sun and only a little water. Wait for the soil to dry out before watering. They also don't generally need any fertilizer, but if you your plant is struggling, only apply the fertilizer once a year. Look for something that is phosphorus-heavy or use banana peels as an organic option. We stay in South Africa and the Aloes grow wild on the side of the road and we just dump our banana skins around the plants in the garden . You can also make a banana peel tea fertilizer by filling a mason jar with water, and adding the banana peel. Close the lid and let it sit for about 2 days and then water your aloe plant.