How do I clean the grout in my tile floor?

Original grout on tile floor was a light grey color. Over time, it's become very dark. I've actually tried cleaning the grout in the entire house using a "toothbrush" and powerful acid-like cleanser. Not an optimal solution with less than stellar results.

picture of grout "under" desk - shows less wear and tear.

picture of grout in heavy traffic area near kitchen. Grout is much darker.

  7 answers
  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on Apr 12, 2019

    Have u tried bleach and oxi cleaner spray a lil of each

  • Margaret Margaret on Apr 12, 2019

    Baking soda and vinegar mixed or just plain Clorox. I use Clorox because it cleans it and also disinfects. Pour on the grout lines....I use a water can or spray bottle to completely soak the grout. Leave on for a little while.. maybe 15 minutes then test a small area wiping or cleaning it with a green scrubby. If it is still stubborn leave it making sure all areas stay saturated testing every so often until they come clean.

  • Rosanne Kolaczynski Rosanne Kolaczynski on Apr 12, 2019

    I remember trying bleach at one point. May try again. Thanks.

  • Linda Linda on Feb 25, 2020

    Make a paste of baking soda and peroxide then apply it to your grout with a toothbrush. Let it sit a little and then remove with a clean cloth.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Sep 03, 2020

    Hi Rosanne, You can make a thin paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Apply it to the grout and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. Scrub with an old toothbrush and rinse clean. If the grout between the tiles has worn down too far, it may be a better idea to first re-grout and then seal. You can also buy grout pens to quickly “recolor” your grout and make them look new again.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jan 28, 2022

    Hi Roseanne, we used to deep clean the grout by hand once a year, and I hated it. It's hard on your knees and back. Now we use a drill set on low speed and it made a huge difference. So much quicker and easier on your knees too, Here's a video that will show you how it's done - If your grout is badly discolored you can consider using a grout pen to recolor the grout.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Feb 02, 2023

    Here are several tips and tricks that might help you