Do you need to water new Gardenia plants often?

Kelley Zino
by Kelley Zino

Do you need to water new Gardenia plants often? Too; mine aren't growing and seem to be stunted. I read online here that if they get yellow leaves, you can add epsom salts to condition the soil. I didn't see how long it would take to turn the plants health around? Any answers to any of these questions is appreciated.

  3 answers
  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Apr 12, 2019

    Yellow leaves can also be caused by overwatering. Let the plant dry out before watering again. If you water from the top, let it drain and then empty the saucer. Epsom salts is good for the soil, especially tomato plants. With good light a maybe a bit of Schultz liquid fertilizer added to the water they should perk within a couple of weeks.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Apr 12, 2019

    Kelley, with any soil change, it may take a whole growing season to see improvements in plants. But with Epsom salts blended into the soil with a rake, along with the proper fertilizer and potting soil, you should be able to see a difference in 4-6 weeks. Patience!

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Apr 12, 2019

    Plants will go dormant for a short while to adjust to the new soil. Be patients and use some of the other suggestions to add to the health of the soil. Water when necessary, same with fertilizer. Give them a while to adjust and start growing more roots before they start growing.

    • Kelley Zino Kelley Zino on Apr 13, 2019

      I appreciate all of the info! It's great to have a place to find answers to ease my mind! Thank you so much!