How do I make a home remedy for a stuck kitchen sink?

by Annette

Looking for a home remedy for stuck kitchen sink drain

  4 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Apr 12, 2019

    1 cup baking soda

    1 cup white vinegar

    pour both down the drain and cover

    While sitting, boil a pot of water. After 15 minutes, pour boiling water down the drain.

    Repeat is needed.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Apr 12, 2019

    If your drain is plugged, pour down 1/2 to 1 cup baking soda and then pour in enough vinegar to get it to the trap. You will hear it fizz so let it sit for a couple of hours to work, overnight is good, and then rinse with hot water. Use this method on all of your sinks monthly and you will have less problems.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Apr 12, 2019

    Kathy’s got it! As good as Drano for most stopped up sinks.

  • Rymea Rymea on Apr 13, 2019

    Try a plunger