What is the best ant pesticide?

by William

  5 answers
  • RCARROLL3 RCARROLL3 on May 07, 2019

    cinnamon works

  • Gk Gk on May 07, 2019

    Terro! Just be careful that no pets can get in it! It will also kill fleas and cockroaches. It works quickly. Once the ants get wind of it they send for their ant friends and they all come to eat/drink. Within a few days--GONE!

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on May 07, 2019

    AMDRO ant bait granules...most home remedies/solutions are only repellents/deterents. MYTH: Cinnamon kills ants.

    TRUTH: Ants don’t like cinnamon but unfortunately it doesn’t kill or repel them.

    MYTH: Vinegar kills ants.

    TRUTH: Vinegar just removes the smell/trace of ants. While it may help confuse or throw off the rest of the colony, vinegar alone might not be enough to rid your home of these bothersome insects.

    MYTH: Boiling water repels ants.

    TRUTH: If – and only if – the water is boiling will it kill the ants that it is poured on. However, it will not repel future ants from invading your home.

    MYTH: Ants won’t cross a chalk/powder line.

    TRUTH: A chalk/powder line may temporarily stop the ants (it’s the smell that “ disrupts the scent trail”) but it won’t be long before they figure out a way around the chalk/powder. We probably don’t have to tell you, but ants are very persistent creatures!

    MYTH: Uncooked grains, like oatmeal,cornmeal or grits, will kill ants by expanding in their stomachs and then exploding.

    TRUTH: Despite popular belief, there is no evidence that ants can be killed off by dumping grains in or around the “hive.” What we do know is that only the oldest members of an ant colony can digest solid food. The adult, worker, and reproductive ants, can only digest liquids,so they do not eat the grains.

    And the biggest ant control myth of all?

    As long as you kill or remove the ants you can see, your problem is solved.Diatomaceous earth does kill them but only ants that crawl thru it not the colony. To be really be rid of them I suggest either Boric Acid mixed with cornmeal or Amdro ant bait granules sprinkle a little of the bait besides trail ( not directly on it they will get disrupted and leave or not pick up bait)they carry bait to nest and it kills entire colony. Amdro works fast 2-24 hrs. huge colony gone.it is poison as is Boric Acid but just cover with something til the next day, don't mess with/block their trail tho' so they carry bait back to colony quickly.if you use liquid bait it kills the working ants before they get back to colony, so the trail is gone then they just start a new one to & from colony elsewhere.So you only think you have killed them off.another method is borax mixed with powdered confectioners sugar,this takes a little longer than boric acid or Amdro(best,fastest). Just use a little of the bait it doesn't take much, then clean up what is left after colony has been killed off. I put a milk crate, flower pot or saucer over the bait (just make sure it is not blocking their trail) to keep anything out of bait except ants. works indoors or outdoors.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 07, 2019

    Indoors: Diatomaceous Earth

    Outdoor: identify the mound. 3 options

    (1) Poke a hole in the center and pour boiling water in it.

    (2) Sprinkle with Jiffy corn muffin mix (they can't digest it).

    (3) Sevin dust, about 1 cup on a mound then sprinkle with water or apply just before the rain. I just discovered this and it's easier than the boiling water and as effective. More effective than the Jiffy.

  • Hi William - Those little buggers are relentless, aren't they?!? This is the most effective method and all-natural spray DIY that we use with ants. It's best indoors, but will also work outside with more frequent applications. Hope this helps! Hugs, Holly
