How to get rid of black spots off the leaves on my rose bush?

by Therese

I have tried sprays n sevin dust. My roses are beautiful but I have to keep removing the leaves! Its planted in a big planter was thinking so I've moved it to different spots.

  4 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on May 08, 2019

    Hello this link might be helpful.

    General tips to have healthy Rose this would include the following Points, this was collected as part of my exam. I hope this helps.

    1-Provide air circulation

    Considerations to implement to provide air circulation

    *Plant appropriately away from structures and adjacent plants.

    * Prune when dormant to open the shrub canopy.

    *Encourage growth in open shape that allows air movement.

    “ Roses need sunshine their diseases dont”

    2-Avoid overhead watering, water in the early part of the day

    “This allows wet leaves to dry and will reduce humidity.”

    Considerations to implement to provide water in most effective way to prevent disease

    *Low lying soil based irrigation efforts such as Soaker hoses, drip irrigation

    3-Practice good sanitation

    Considerations to implement to provide good sanitation

    *Removal and destruction of diseased plant parts.

    *Pruning raking removal fallen leaves and dead flowers.

    *Destroy - don't compost fallen or diseased material- send to landfill or burn.

    *Continuous intervention-it's Ok-at any time -reassess and observe to remove diseased leaves, prune, rake away fallen foliage and debris.

  • Black spot is a fungus, Therese. You need neem oil or an insecticidal soap with a fungicide.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on May 08, 2019

    Be sure it is in direct sunlight, do not let other wet plants grow near it, water at the base, not on the leaves etc. and do not over water. We mulch so we only water once a week or so. Sevin dust is for insects, not mold and mildew. Hope this helps Therese.

  • Daniella Governor Daniella Governor on May 09, 2019

    I've been told o nce you have it it's hard to get ride of. I had it in wa ,not dry enough for Rose's. Make sure to pull all infected foliage off ,rake all fallen foliage and throw away. Treat plant AND surrounding soils. Try not watering too much.