What to use to get rid of ants?

by Dorothy
  4 answers
  • Craft Invaders Craft Invaders on May 08, 2019

    This might help Dorothy


  • Twyla J Boyer Twyla J Boyer on May 08, 2019

    If they are around the kitchen (where I really don't want to use Borax on surfaces), I spray with a mixture of water and mint essential oil. Ants hate mint - and they don't seem to move very well when sprayed with it, giving plenty of time to wipe them up with a paper towel. If you have the space, growing some mint in a couple pots will help keep them away, too. But a caution against growing mint directly in the ground: it is EXTREMELY invasive and stubborn. Keeping it in a pot is wisest.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 08, 2019

    Follow them to where they live if you can. I generously sprinkle sweetened cornbread and muffin mix on the mound or hole in the ground. They take the sweet into the mound for everyone to share to eat and they can't digest it and die. It may take more than one application, especially if the mound or the ants are large. Sprinkle generously until you see no activity at the mound. I have found this works very well for me and it is cheap to get the envelopes in the baking section for a buck. I only used three packages and that was using it on my yard and my neighbors yard. I put it in a large spice shaker like you get at Sam's Club with garlic, Italian spice or whatever in it, it holds at least two of the packages.