How do I stop a dog from using potty in house?

Michael Hall
by Michael Hall

  3 answers
  • Judy Judy on May 12, 2019

    Michale I have the same problem. She’s a little dog. We take her out a lot. Give a small

    treat after potty. That helps a lot!

    Wenisntalled a bell on a ribbon at the door as she doesn’t bark. She does ring the bell to go.

    Look for cues. Pacing, smelling the floor.

    If I’m gone a while I will put down a wee wee pad.

  • Mary Anderson Mary Anderson on May 12, 2019

    Take her out on a leash several times a day. When she goes, she gets a "good girl! " and a treat. You have to stay with her so you know she goes! After a week she should catch on, but you have to be patient and not yell at her.

  • There are hundreds of sites out there. Here are a few:

    Their bladders are small, must be taken out every 2 hours or so. Also depends on breed, some are more stubborn than others - King Charles and Chihuahuas are notoriously difficult to train. You just need to be consistent and extremely patient. Everyone in the household MUST be on the same page as otherwise all you do is confuse the poor puppy. To make your life easier, train to use a certain spot in your yard. I did and it makes a huge difference. There are 6+ dogs in my yard daily, picking up poop is much easier. I go out twice a day during the week, rain or shine and several times a day on weekends.