How do I keep cats from destroying my yard?

by Marj

My yard and garden has many cats in the neighborhood using it as a litter box. They have killed our flowers and grass in spots. How do I keep the cats from destroying my yard? We have no animals.

  3 answers
  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on May 13, 2019

    We have alot of feral cats in our area and they chose our wood mulch near our front door which makes for some stink let me say- PHEW. We tried the typical things people suggest but it made do difference. We know roaming cats usually have preferences for bathroom use. Typically they want to go where they can cover their waste up and outdoor cats seem to like loose dirt, sandy areas, mulch, pea gravel, etc. So you need to make it less desirable to the cats.

    Normally they won't just go on the lawn if there isn't a way to scratch and cover so I'd wonder if some of what you're finding is roaming dogs or other wildlife.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 13, 2019

    Motion activated sprinkle. Most cats hate to get wet.

  • Karen Karen on May 13, 2019

    Hmm, not even a fence will keep cats out. Are these strays? If it's that bothersome to you, I suggest calling animal welfare, if they belong to people, perhaps find out who, may cause conflict confronting them, but dogs aren't allowed to roam the neighborhood, I find it strange cats are allowed (when they have an owner.

    • Marj Marj on May 13, 2019

      These are stray cats that jump the fence and use the garden as a litter box. Perhaps animal control can help. Thanks for the idea