How hard is it to install pocket door hardware?

by MLD
  4 answers
  • Emily Emily on May 14, 2019

    Do you mean the hardware at the tops of the doors or the handles, latches on the front of the doors. We have antique pocket doors in our house and 1) you have to have openings in the walls 2) I don't know if the hardware that the doors run on are done before walls are completely up or what, but I would say not a job for an amateur.

  • William William on May 14, 2019

    Pocket doors come preinstalled into the frame and pocket.

  • Dfm Dfm on May 14, 2019

    you install it between 2 walls, so that cavity needs a thinner door, then there are that hold that the door hangs from the trolly

  • Dfm Dfm on May 14, 2019

    my computer is weird today you need the hard ware for the trolly that holds the door in place.