How to keep ants out of your vegetables garden?

by Alice

I have ants around my tomato plants. How to get rid of them without hurting your plants.

  4 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 18, 2019

    I use sweeten cornbread and muffin mix. It is best and quicker if you can find the mound they came from, but try peppering the soil around the plants with it and see if it disappears. If it does they are taking it home for everyone to share. They take it because they are sweet and die because they can't digest the cornmeal. Keep putting down the cornmeal until you no longer see it disappearing. If you can find the mound, sprinkle it fairly heavily over it, especially if it is a large mound. It may take a few days to kill the whole mound, longer if you can't find it and the ants are still coming back to the tomatoes. I have never had trouble with ants damaging my tomatoes, they may be more helpful than harmful in that they may rid the plants of unwanted smaller insects.

  • I use packaged cornbread mix that says it is sweetened and put it where they are. They will take it to the mound, everyone will eat it and die, they can't digest the cornmeal, but will take it because it is sweetened. Little goes a long way.

    I read this from : Itsmemic

    Medicated powder from the Dollar Tree. It has eucalyptus in it...menthol...I puff it around my homes foundation..and inside under my birdcages in the cracks under moldings. Work immediately and they never come back. I do this at the first sign of one day..GONE. The powder is in a very large container and lasts quite awhile too !! And smells great !

    Not toxic to my birds OR dog

  • Mona Blake Mona Blake on May 23, 2019

    Pour homeny grits all around on the ground. The ants can't digest it.