Is there a natural deterrent for frogs?

My dog has but a few and it’s been bad. Thank God he’s been ok.

  3 answers
  • Here's a link with several ideas for you, Carmen:

  • MEG MEG on May 25, 2019

    Omg Carman is that a westie you have? I too have a westie named Bentley and hes ten yrs. old. I have the same problem as you. Im in Florida and live off a canal so I always get them on my property. Bentley has gone after these Bufo frogs which are deadly numerous times. They secrete poison and can kill your pet. One attack I really thought he was going to die. He was foaming at the mouth, incoherent and convulsing bad. I was petrified. I quickly hosed his mouth out and scooped him up and rushed him to my vet who put him on IV. Westies are natural born hunters and really cant help themselves when they see something moving they will go after it. He never learns his lesson and goes back for more. I cant prevent the frogs from entering my yard but I do keep my yard clutter free, my grass cut short and bushes trimmed. Frogs like water and dampness so don't have any standing water, water fountains or ponds which would attract them. Don't leave pets food dishes out either because they will eat dog food too. I now have to check my yard before I let him out. Arent westies the best. So cute and what a personality.