How can I get rid of moles and voles?

Brenda Lofton
by Brenda Lofton
  4 answers
  • They are usually after the grubs in your lawn, Brenda. Get rid of the grubs and they will go too. Otherwise, trap are the best solution.

  • JJ JJ on May 22, 2019

    Getting rid of the grubs is important, but not quick. Milky Spore from a gardening center is effective but not quick. There are other products that will treat the symptoms but not cure the problems. These include solar powered spikes that produce sound vibrations in the yard, yard sprays that are castor oil based that might encourage them to move into your neighbor's yard but not get rid of them, and similar other sprays / granular products that do the same.

  • Russbow Russbow on May 22, 2019

    voles only. I use the little victor mouse traps with the very large yellow trip plate. Just place them near a hole, but can be placed in the little grass tunnels they make. In 2017 I caught 158. Yet in 2018, not a one was seen. I understand they run a 4 year cycle. So far this year I have caught 10. I have 20 traps, and use an "agricultural flag" a small square of colored vinyl at each trap to be sure I know where they are. I truly hate seeing any advice that just runs them off to your neighbor.

    I have not had to deal with moles, they do not exist in Montana

  • Cherry Cherry on May 26, 2019

    Pour lestoil down the hole or on it. Works great!!!!!