How do I shield my microwave from my gas stove?

Carolyn Manzo
by Carolyn Manzo

I need ideas for a temporary barrier for my microwave and gas stove when I bake for long periods. The vents on the stove are on the back top rear causing the heat to rise under my microwave which then malfunctions. This barrier needs to be removed after baking Suggestions??

  3 answers
  • 17335038 17335038 on May 24, 2019

    Is your microwave on a closed shelf above the stove, or how is it mounted on the wall? Posting a photo would help us to understand the situation.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on May 24, 2019

    If it's just temporary, you can make a heat shield by bending a piece of sheet metal to fit the area. Then insert a piece of closed cell sheet foam between the microwave and the metal shield. It won't be pretty, but it should do the trick and be removable after cooking

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on May 25, 2019

    If you want a non-conducting heat shield, I would cut a piece of cementicious fiber board, or tile backer board, aka Hardi Backer, to fit. It must be cut outside, due to the fiberglass.

    I would paint it, to seal the edges.