How to stop deer from eating your flowers?

  6 answers
  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on May 24, 2019

    Put irish spring soap around them

  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on May 24, 2019

    I love using Liquid Fence spray. I spray my rose bushes and any of the flowers I don't want deer eating. It works great! Spray every other night and it should work! Just beware it stinks though! You can buy it at Home Depot!

  • Jody Jody on May 24, 2019

    I did the above too. Buy BARS of Irish Spring soap (I am sure no one buys it to use on themselves!). I made little pouches out of nylon net, but you could just tie each bar in a big square of nylon net. Hang the net in the 4 corners (or closer together if you have a big area) of the space you are trying to protect. Deer hate the scent. When you smell it you will see why.

    I have also had AMAZING results with BAYER (like the aspirin) brand Rose systemic food and fertilizer. It comes in a big BLUE plastic jug. It also smells horrible. I use it on all my plants, not just roses. As long as you can SEE the granules on the ground the deer will stay away from your plants. I don't know if it is the smell, or it makes the plants taste bad, but it works - and it is a good fertilizer too!

  • Kelsy Kelsy on May 24, 2019

    You can also try using hair clippings from a Barber shop. They're supposed to have a more "human" smell than from a hair salon.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 24, 2019

    Plant deer resistant items in the area.

    Irish Spring shredded and scattered about.

    Scatter human hair, you can get at a hair salon.

    Purchase deer repellent and spray on a non-windy day because it stinks.

  • Randy Sahnow Randy Sahnow on May 24, 2019

    Buy a solar motion light that way you won’t need any wiring and then also get a battery operated transistor radio and put it on all night talk show goodbye dear