How to use hydrogen peroxide to kill bedbugs?

by Linda
  4 answers
  • Won't do a darn thing. Call in the pros, heat is what draws them out. You will never be rid of them if you don't get the pros in. Then you will unknowingly spread them wherever you visit.

    I have many a tale to tell . . .

  • Rebecca Taylor Rebecca Taylor on May 24, 2019

    Hi Linda, I have never heard of hydrogen peroxide killing bed bugs. The 91% or higher rubbing alcohol will kill them on contact but will only work to keep them somewhat under control. I know most people cannot afford an exterminator but it is really the only way to completely get rid of them but the alcohol will keep the m from completely taking over. Make sure to spray it anywhere there is a fold or crease in the fabric of the couch, bed, spray furniture, laundry hampers etc,

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on May 27, 2019

    You really can't do this yourself, call an exterminater asap. They they can double daily.

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 27, 2019

    Nor have I ever heard of this peroxide scheme.

    You need to call an exterminator. Sometimes there is just no substitute for attacking a problem with the right solution.