How can I get rid of standing water?

Nicole Oueder
by Nicole Oueder

near my back fence when it rains there is standing water, I put some sand a couple years ago but it didn't resolve the issue. I'm really don't have the funds to call a professional. Any suggestions will be welcomed.


  5 answers
  • You could dig down where the water typically stands, and fill the deep hole with rock to make a french drain of sorts.

  • Pamela Pamela on Jun 20, 2019

    Hi ! I would dig a French and fill it with rock , so the water can drain away . Also look into plants that need a lot of water so they could naturally absorb the water . Willow trees are often planted in this type of area . Good luck !

  • Rymea Rymea on Jun 20, 2019

    I agree with planting Willow trees. If it's not a huge area another option would be to level it out by filling it in with a load of dirt so the water wouldn't pool in that spot.

  • Nicole Oueder Nicole Oueder on Jun 20, 2019

    Thanks a lot, How deep should I dig?


  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on May 28, 2021

    Yep agree I would dig down at two foot deep trench across the entire area where the water usually stands and fill it with rocks or bricks or whatever you may have on hand. If you don't have anything like that that would work you can purchase bags of rocks / gravel at your local hardware or home improvement store. Fill the trench nearly to the top and then cover it with dirt and sod - it will grow in really quickly and you'll never know its there but it should help a lot!