How do I paint my tv stand?

by BUanca

Hi my tv stand chipped , so I removed that plastic , so I want to paint it. I’m not sure which is the best paint to use in this case ?and this electric cords ? How can I organize them ?

  10 answers
  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jun 24, 2019

    Take this photo (or a shelf or drawer) to the paint pros at your local hardware/home improvement store. They have the best tools/materials and know-how to do a professional repair.

  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Jun 24, 2019

    Hi this is Peggy. I think this looks like laminate ( most are). Here is some instructions on painting laminate. Good luck with your project. 2 Best Ways To Paint Laminate Furniture - Salvaged Inspirations


    Sep 26, 2014 - The 2 Best Ways to Paint Laminate Furniture ~ Method #1. Clean the Surface. This dresser was dusty so all that was needed to clean it was a soft cloth dampened with warm water. Lightly Sand the Entire Piece. Yes SAND! Prime. I used B.I.N shellac based primer. Paint. Protect with a Sealer/Topcoat.

    How To Paint Laminate

    · ‎

    BIN Shellac Primer

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    The Difference Between

  • William William on Jun 24, 2019

    Just lightly sand with 220 grit sandpaper to remove any shine. wipe down with a damp cloth. Prime with Kilz primer then paint with acrylic latex paint.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 24, 2019

    As to hiding your cords, that is pretty easy. The only cord really showing in your picture is a charger cord, that you can just wind up when you are not using it so it is not hanging over the edge of the entertainment center. You can also when not in use, hang the cord over the back edge or wind it up and put it in a small basket container that will keep that one hidden. As to the power cords, cable cords, sound system cords, etc. that go up to the TV, home improvement stores have channel like systems that you can put over the cords, sometimes you can match simple wall colors or you can paint them first. They usually are self stick or screw to the wall and are simple to use, just follow the instruction that come with them. There are many different pieces you can get to take care of angles you may have. Once you are done, just gather up the lengths of cord left (they are usually too long, right!), twist tie or zip tie them after you wind them up and you can drop them into a small basket or other decorative item at the back of the bottom shelf or on the floor where they most likely won't show. I hope this helps you hide your cords BUanca!

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jun 24, 2019

    You can paint the entire thing once you use a deglosser on the laminate. Decide: do you want a solid color(s) or some type of distressed or faux finish? Once you decide, you can then google or ask the pros what type of paint is best for your project. You can even chalk paint over it! Google DIY chalk paint for a recipe (much less expensive than premixed chalk paints!) Make sure you put a good poly over the paint once you're finished.

  • Rhoda Rhoda on Jun 24, 2019

    If there is one thing I've learned and practice to make life easier, it is "less is better". Take a deep breath, step back, and look at your TV stand. It is beautiful! Woud you consider only painting the rim around the top? That would give it a different look and save you lots of time, money, and work! Best wishes!

    • BUanca BUanca on Jun 24, 2019

      Eish it really overwhelms me as I think it’s too much work also to paint the whole thing

  • Dee Dee on Jun 24, 2019

    Krylon makes a paint just for plastic.

  • BUanca BUanca on Jun 24, 2019

    Thanks peeps for your help , it gives me a light and I feel better now ..will sure get to it and show you the pics

  • Rhoda Rhoda on Jun 24, 2019

    Please do share pictures when you are finished!

    Have fun!