How do I get rid of whatever is eating my seedlings?

Mia Durand
by Mia Durand

New to square foot gardening, I have a bunch of seedlings coming up, but as of this morning some of them have holes in their new tender leaves (zucchini, strawberry spinach, rainbow chard). Other plants have been left alone so far (pole beans, kale of various types, tomato, mini bell pepper, etc.). The holes in the zucchini leaves are about a quarter inch wide, and the holes in the chard and spinach are teeny tiny. I can't find the bugs that are snacking on them - I've looked hard. Is there some general organic magic spray I can treat my plant babies with to avert these monstrous fiends? Is there a particular time of day I should look at them in order to catch the thieves in the act? Thanks in advance for any advice!

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