How do I get rid of these pesky bugs that are eating my plants (pic)?

Kimberly Hogan
by Kimberly Hogan
  6 answers
  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jul 07, 2019

    Take leaf to.your local nursary for more information about your region and project. They are a. Great source of free advice.

  • Sybil Sybil on Jul 07, 2019

    Looks like leave-cutter bees, they normally don't damage a plant by taking some "nibbles" from one or two leafes. Bees are ptotected species!!!!

  • Be a detective: observe the plant closely, look under leaves for clues or the perpetrator, see if damage is on older or newer leaves, does it occur at night or during day, how much damage is going on--then visit your local extension agent (or go online) with your info (plant species also). Once you find out who is lunching on your plants, then you can decide if you want to discourage them or if you can tolerate some snacking and keep your area chemical free.

  • Lisa Sinclair Lisa Sinclair on Jul 07, 2019

    It may be a caterpillar, you don't want to kill them, but if you can't stand the look of the leaves, or if they're killing your plant , you can spray some soapy water on the leaves to make them less palatable to who ever is munching! Good Luck! My grandmother used to take her dishwater out and poured it on her plants in the veggie garden.

  • Joyce Holden Joyce Holden on Jul 07, 2019

    Sprinkle seven dust on the leaves to deter the critters. You would have to reapply after it rains. If you want a non-chemical solution, mix 1-2 tablespoons of Dawn dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle and fill the rest of the bottle with water. You can add garlic liquid or mint liquid, but it is not necessary. Spray it on the plants to make the bugs feel unwelcome. It won't hurt the plants in that mild of a solution but does have to be reapplied after it rains.

  • Susan Susan on Jul 09, 2019

    call your local county extension office. Many of them have Garden hot lines.