My notification bell shows a red button with number 5 in it and yet w?

by Anthony

and when i click on it i get a message 'nothing as yet' what is the 5 for?

  3 answers
  • Hi, Anthony!

    It may be something under “Likes & Saves”... Scroll or swipe to the left on the screen and there should be a greenish dot next to Likes & Saves. I hope this helps!

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 08, 2019

    Click on the bell and you should have 4 categories: Inbox, Answers, Comments, Likes&saves.

    There should be a red dot next to one of those categories. Click on that category (you may have more than one) to see what the 5 items are.

    Most likely you have answers to another question you have asked.

  • Anthony Anthony on Jul 09, 2019

    Thank you all.