How do I fix an old hardwood floor?

by Tamyra

Our hardwood floors have been stained years ago. We just moved in this house and want to CHEAPLY do something to make them look decent. They are horrible now and we do not want to sand them. Can we just stain over the stain that’s on there?

  6 answers
  • Start with a good cleaning then see how they look. By the time you add all your furnishings and rugs, it may not look as bad as you think. Bona products or Murphy's Oil Soap.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 09, 2019

    Hello there, Yes providing it is clean and free from wax, otherwise you may have to use a wax stain.

  • Gk Gk on Jul 09, 2019

    The floors have probably been finished with a topcoat like poly.The stain will not penetrate the finish coat except in any areas that have been worn down to the wood. Any stain sitting on top of the finish coat will just wipe right off when you clean your floors. You might be able to try some gel stain but that would require some sanding and depending on the amount of wood flooring that you have it could be a big job.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jul 09, 2019

    No matter what , you should sand a little to get some of the old stain off and to smooth out the wood before doing another application. Also a new stain will adhere better to the old. If you cannot afford to do it now then wait until you can and you will be much happier with the results. Sometimes patience is a virtue when it comes to things like this. If you do a piecemeal job then you will not be happy with the results and you will eventually have to do it over anyway.

  • Emily Emily on Jul 09, 2019

    Painting is a great idea if you have the ability.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 09, 2019

    Try Rejuvenate, it does a good job in making them look much better.