How do I get rid of my bees from around my front door?

by Roy43035079
  6 answers
  • Inspect and see what you have in the area that might be attracting them. Flowering plants maybe? Check when they are less active, very early morning and just after sunset.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 09, 2019

    Hello Roy, Remove any flowers to another place not near your front door. Or maybe if you have rather a lot of bees it could be you have a nest somewhere very close - maybe in your roof?

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jul 09, 2019

    If you have plants close by that is drawing them in then I suggest that they be removed to another location in your garden. You could try using a bug spray around the door frame to see if this would deter them from landing.

  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 09, 2019

    call a bee keeper, its not unheard of for honey bees to get into the walls of houses for their hive, omg it was a sticky mess.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 09, 2019

    If they are carpenter bees:

    They are very sensitive to smell. You can spray WD-40, but that can get very expensive. We use termite control Hi-Yield 38Plus, mixed to termite ratio, in a garden sprayer. Spray the area well and they will stop drilling in your wood. We do it twice a year and has been very effective for us.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jul 09, 2019

    they are drawn to pollen(flowers) & water so limit these around the area do not kill them if you have hive near area call local service to remove and relocate them it is usually a free service for bees since they are becoming endangered 8 species are they bees or wasps? make a paper bag nest to deter them from the area many people in the south of U.S. swear by painting porch ceilings shade of blue/green keeps them away too. the soft blue-green is referred to as "Haint Blue.".