Why won't my 31 year old Magnolia bloom?

by Pat
  5 answers
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Jul 21, 2019

    did you mean 'not' bloom? It's long past time for that (depending where in the Country you live). I'm in the Northeast and mine bloomed in May this year, but was a bit later than others since it's somewhat shaded by my neighbour's huge pine trees. Lack of sun can do it...Magnolias need light - and sun to fully bloom. Sufficient watering, I do give my entire garden a mulching around the base of most of the flowering trees in Fall and early Spring so that sometimes helps.

  • Kelli L. Milligan Kelli L. Milligan on Jul 21, 2019

    Visit your local nursary for more information about your region and project. They will have some answers.

  • Annette Annette on Jul 22, 2019

    Probably needs a very good trimming if it hasn’t been done. Mother moved in to a home and neighbors said the magnolia had not bloomed in years. She had a professional tree service come in to trim and shape. It now blooms and is the specimen of her neighborhood. This is in northern Ohio

  • DebraY DebraY on Jul 22, 2019

    Hello Pat, magnolia are so beautiful. Your problem could be light, location, minerals. You can check out this spot:


    also try: https://www.magnoliasociety.org/MagnoliaResources

  • MaryAnn B MaryAnn B on Jul 26, 2019

    After planting my new magnolia, which was blooming, it didn't bloom again for a few years. My local nursery said to get some Jobes Spikes for blooming trees and shrubs. I did that and the following spring and every spring there after (30 years) it has bloom magnificently.