How can I get rid of fruit flies?

by Saadia
  8 answers
  • Zard Pocleeb Zard Pocleeb on Aug 01, 2019

    Put out a container (wider is better). Put apple cider vinegar in it. You don’t need a lot...just about 1/4” deep. The fruit flies will be drawn to the apple scent and drown in the vinegar.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Aug 01, 2019

    Kathy gave you the same recipe I use except I use a small bowl, add about half an inch of apple cider vinegar, a quarter inch of water and a squirt of dish detergent. Change it when it starts looking sludgy on the bottom. I also clean my drains in the sink, remove any fruit, and wipe down my plants with a damp, soapy cloth.

    It works well for me.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Aug 01, 2019

    Fruit flies are attracted to moisture, especially damp soil of house plants and damp sinks. If you allow your plants to dry out before rewatering (and don't overwater moving forward) and wipe you sinks down after use, the flies should move away.

  • I have tried a million and one things and nothing ever seems to work. Clean up and clear out anything that may be attracting them. You could try setting out a cup with wine or old fruit with plastic over the top, a few holes punched in the plastic but this never seems to work. I feel your pain!

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Aug 01, 2019

    I agree, clean everything then use the apple cider vinegar, water and dish soap. Good luck, those things are persistent!

  • Rymea Rymea on Aug 03, 2019

    I use one glass with 1/2" of red wine and another with 1/2" of apple cider vinegar both covered with plastic wrap which has round hole punched in it with a meat thermometer. The holes have to be large enough for the flies to get in. They won't be able to escape.

    It takes about a week or so to clear them out. Then just leave the traps out to get any more that come in.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Apr 17, 2023

    Fill a microwave-safe bowl with apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish soap. Microwave the bowl so the mixture becomes even more aromatic. Leave the bowl out uncovered as fruit fly bait. The soap will reduce the surface tension, causing any fruit fly that lands on the surface to drown. Now, if what you have might be drain flies...if that is what you have try this: Boil some water on the stove and pour down your drain several times a day for about a week or Mix 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar and then pour the mixture down the drain, leaving it overnight. In the morning, pour boiling hot water down the drain.

    If a drain fly infestation lasts longer than 20 days despite different approaches to get rid of them, then it’s time to call a professional exterminator.