What is the best method to clean old oak furniture?

by Susan

What is the best method to clean old oak furniture? This coffee table is just really used and grungy and I’d like to get it clean without wrecking the wood grain

  5 answers
  • Murphy's Oil Soap will work!

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Aug 11, 2019

    I use Old English on all our old furniture. It comes in light or dark, depending on your oak (we used to have light wood colored oak). I have also known friends that use Murphy's oil cleaner. Both these products should be available where furniture polish etc is sold. I know Old English is sold in the furniture polish section, although it is great for cleaning anything wooden (I use it twice a year on my kitchen cabinets too). Hope this helps, Susan.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Aug 11, 2019

    I like Murphy's soap oil for my wood that needs cleaning.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Aug 11, 2019

    There is a product from Home Depot called Krud Kutter that cleans cabinets very well.

  • I always wash furniture with a mixture of water and vinegar. If it's really dirt, I use Method spray cleaner, which is really gentle but works well on dirt. If the wood is dry, it needs oil. I love Miss Mustard Seed hemp oil to refresh old wood. It even disguises scratches.