What can I do with many small liquor bottles, each with small amounts?

by 516maria

I’m getting ready to move and have lots of opened liquor bottles. How can I use all the different types that are open. Also, I have some that are not opened ( like scotch/ whiskey). I know wine goes bad ... doesn’t get a chance in my house. But what can I do with the unopened bottles of stuff I really don’t drink. One thought is to donate for raffle baskets for charity. Any others ....?

  10 answers
  • Give away to people that cook and bake, lots of recipes that do use liquor as part of a recipe. Or just give away to friends that regularly host parties, I am sure they will be grateful. If the move is not far, might be worth it to just box up and move with you. My parents had a full bar in their house. After they passed, my brother and I split up all the remaining liquor. To this day I am still using it over a decade later. I easily have over 50 bottles.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Aug 18, 2019

    I really don't think a raffle basket with just a little bit in the bottles would be very appealing. If you don't want them and no one you know wants them either, just dump them down the drain and save the bottles for crafts or recycle them.

  • The Inspired Workshop The Inspired Workshop on Aug 18, 2019

    Do you have any Vodka or Everclear? You can use that to clean and sanitize with! It is actually the safe food version of rubbing alcohol! We use it for making our own hand sanitizer and for cleaning toilet seats, countertops, etc. Better than Clorox! Just pour into a spray bottle and use as you would any other cleaner!

  • FrugalFamilyTimes.com FrugalFamilyTimes.com on Aug 18, 2019

    You could combine some of the partial bottles into pre-made cocktails using a website like this-input the ingredients you have and it will tell you what recipes you can make:


  • Bushra Bushra on Aug 27, 2019

    Something like that might be helpful. https://bushraslifestyle.com/easy-diy-centerpiece-for-dining-table/

    Good luck,


  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 01, 2020

    Hello, how about an ad to whomever wants to come and take it either for free or for a small price, offer it to friends & family first, then to any other place that may come to mind, think about holding a raffle for basket full of liquor and donating the funds to your favorite charity.

  • 516maria 516maria on Feb 01, 2020

    Thank you,

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on May 28, 2021

    I agree I would try to just give it away. I would guess you have family and friends on Facebook who would happily volunteer lol.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Jan 11, 2022

    I would toss the ones that have been open, they are probably not good anymore. You may want to save some of them for cooking. I would donate them or just toss those that you don't need.

  • You could put the new ones in a basket with two cocktail glasses as little hostess gifts.