How do I kill crabgrass?

Donald long
by Donald long

can i spray crabgrass spray to kill crabgrass in my lawn this time of the year

  5 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Aug 24, 2019

    Yes, but be aware that the only way to completely remove crabgrass is to dig it up by the roots and dispose of it in a plastic bag so the roots and seeds don’t fall back into the soil and regrow. Diligence in digging will get the crabgrass unless your neighbors’ seeds blow into your yard. You can do it! Just dig like mad. Jewell

  • William William on Aug 24, 2019

    I use Spectracide Weed and Feed in the hose end spray bottle. No mixing no mess. Kills the weeds and feeds the lawn. A thicker lawn leaves no room for weeds. I do it in the spring and mid summer. You still can do it now till October.

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 31, 2019

    Use pre-emergence herbicides. These chemicals prevent crabgrass seeds from sprouting, breaking its life cycle. They do not affect already-growing plants, thereby protecting your lawn. Example products include Oxadiazon and Benefin, and are available at most garden stores and nurseries. Sprinkle onto your lawn according to the manufacturer's guidelines as toxicity varies by product, then water your lawn thoroughly to distribute the chemical into the soil.

    Apply post-emergence crabgrass herbicides. These herbicides kill the crabgrass and will completely eradicate any crabgrass populations when used in conjunction with a pre-emergency herbicide. Example herbicides include Fenoxaprop and Dithiopyr, and target crabgrass without harming lawn grass species. Spray onto your lawn, misting all exposed surfaces according to the manufacturer's specifications. Avoid watering or mowing your lawn for 24 hours after applying the product.

  • Chriss Grijak Chriss Grijak on Aug 31, 2019

    I used Ortho Crabgrass killer 2 weeks ago and there’s no change to the lawn. So I hand pulled them but a couple of days later they sprouted again. These things drops thousands of seeds....the good thing is they die off in the Fall. I finally called a reputable lawn service and they used a stronger weed killer with fertilizer and you would never know I ever had crabgrass or weeds! The $42 charge is well worth it especially when you factor in the cost of the chemicals, the time and safety issues involved. Good luck!