How do I organize clothes and declutter?

by Joyce
  13 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Aug 30, 2019

    Joyce....I do the 3 pile idea.... one is a a giver and the other is a throw away. That gets me started!. Baskets, bins and totes work well if you don't have drawers or hanging areas. Label as needed and stack what you can. I do occasionally and the occasion needs to be NOW for me! Good luck

  • Heje Heje on Aug 30, 2019

    Keep the things you really like - sort as to time of the year - put similar colors together - use storage boxes for smaller items.

  • After decluttering I organize my clothes in the closet by color. This helps me find stuff easily. Also you can add some organization tools in the closet that would help as well like baskets, bins, belt holders, hooks for hats, hooks for scarves, hooks for purses, shoe organizer, etc.

  • Hi Joyce - This is one of my favorite articles on cleaning, organizing and decluttering. It really breaks down the steps of the process, and even includes an interview with TV show Hoarders star Matt Paxton. Hope this helps! Hugs, Holly

    PS - We have a FREE eBook with recipes for all of my homemade and all-natural cleaners. You can download it here -->

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Sep 30, 2019

    I would go through your clothes and make piles of keep, donate, or toss. Then you can easily decide which items go back into your closet. Try not to stress and do it slowly so it's not overwhelming

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Jan 06, 2020

    The key is to donate everything you do not love. Most of us have a ton of things we really do not need. Start in one room and donate or trash what you don't love. Organize what is left into clear bins with labels. Simplify is the key to organizing.

  • My Family Thyme My Family Thyme on Jan 06, 2020

    I usually make 3 piles: Keep, donate, and trash. I ask myself if I am going to miss there sentimental value. If so, I keep it. If not, I ask myself if it is useful...will someone else use it. If so, donate. If not, I throw it away. I hope this is helpful!

  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 09, 2020

    Hi Joyce, I organize my clothes by season, so all my summer stuff is moved to the back part of the closet, all my winter items are moved to the opening, I have 9 drawers on the dresser, 4 for summer, shorts etc, and 2 for pyjamas, then 1 for junk, which I have to clean for 1 undies and one for socks, when my drawers or closet seem too full, I know it's time to clean and donate items.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Feb 13, 2020

    You need 3 bins, 1 for donate, 1 for keep, and 1 for trash. Start by deciding if you love it or not, if you do you keep it, if you can do without it then donate it.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Nov 20, 2021

    1. Clear off all flat surfaces—and keep them clear! ...
    2. Pick a decluttering strategy that best suits your lifestyle. ...
    3. Make the most of under-utilized storage spaces. ...
    4. Don't wait for spring cleaning season! ...
    5. Ask yourself what items you actually use—and ditch the rest! ...
    6. Designate a place for the clutter to go.

  • Homeroad Homeroad on Jan 11, 2022

    I go through my closet and try everything on first. If I decide to keep it, it gets hung up, folded or put in a bin for another season. You can donate anything you don't want or doesn't fit. I roll my shirts and pants in the drawer so more fit. I find that the older I get the less I need. :)