How do I repair this wicker chair?

by Chris

How do I repair the wicker that has come loose on this chair? I want to clean it up and paint it but I don’t know what to do with the loose pieces. I’ve tried to glue them but how do you keep them in place till the glue dries?

  12 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Sep 17, 2019

    Hi Chris,

    If you can get the loose pieces where they belong, you could wrap them in Saran wrap (which shouldn't stick to the glue) then put some masking tape around that to hold everything in place until the glue dries. I hope this helps you. Wishing you the best.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Sep 17, 2019

    Hello. I would try some of those larger plastic spring clamps in a clothes pin type fashion to tie the repair down.

    Alternatively if you’re just using minimal mount of glue ( no excessive leaking) you could try some large craft sticks and some craft wire splinting the wrap repair in a medical fashion to wire tightly ......later with removing wood splint and wire when the glue is dry.

  • Lydia Lydia on Sep 17, 2019

    How about removing the pieces of wrap and using the dip they use for tool handles?? Its like a plastic dip and it comes in alot of colors!! I belueve it would be more durable..

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Sep 17, 2019

    Claps used for woodworking, clothespins, rope

  • William William on Sep 17, 2019

    You can use blue painters tape to hold the loose parts until the glue dries. It's low tack, slight stretch, and shouldn't stick to the glue. Try using E6000 glue.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Sep 18, 2019

    Bungee chords may also work to hold the glued-in end pieces tight until they set.

  • Belinda Droll Belinda Droll on Sep 18, 2019

    We learned this year that most of wicker/rattan chairs are now made of a resin that is weatherproof--you weave it in as wicker is but the resin can be stiffer--you might want to look online to see how they do it. Initially, we tried to find a person to redo our high back white wicker rockers--beautifully made--but no one could/would do it and we found no one who actually knew where to purchase the rolls of wicker. We had already repainted them a few years ago and that did give them some xtra mileage. To purchase two matching high back rockers, we paid about $560. and chose an antique pecan color. We like them and they look nice but as comfy as our originals? No. Good luck in redoing your current chairs!

  • Tootsie meece Tootsie meece on Sep 18, 2019

    I had the same issue with my wicker porch furniture I turned my chairs over for easy access and after tightening up and rewrapping the loose end I held it in place with needle nose pliers while spreading some E6000 glue and wrapped the area in twine rope, just the cheap stuff from the dollar store.The rope holds the glued ends down It’s been several years and still holding. I hope this helps Good Luck

  • Hi, Chris!

    Masking tape may work to hold the pieces in place while the glue dries. Or, use hot glue to temporarily hold the pieces in place while a better glue for outdoor use dries. Rolls of replacement wicker or reed can also be purchased on eBay. I hope this helps!

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Sep 19, 2019

    I would re- wrap when wicker is slightly soft

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jan 01, 2021

    Hi Chris, this video will show you how to go about repairing your wicker furniture -

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Jul 02, 2021

    Wrap and use a small piece of masking tape (or paint tape) to hold the pieces in place until the glue is dry.