Can you give me suggestions for how to organize clothes?

Denise Harris
by Denise Harris
  5 answers
  • Hi Denise, are you talking about in a closet or in a dresser? Google Kon Mari method for some good ideas.

  • What do you have to work with?

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Sep 20, 2019

    Denise...For hanging clothes I would make two piles...1 keep and 2 give away. All the clothes I keep hang all hangers in the same direction. As you wear the clothes and return them to the closet turn the hanger the opposite way. This was when a year has passed you will know what you wear and what you don't so you can decide if they are worth keeping or not. This will definitely clear your closet and if you do not have enough drawer space you can purchase totes that should fit in your closet now. Fill the totes with spring/summer and fall/winter. Hope this helps!

  • I keep my closet organized by hanging clothes that are in the same color family together. Shirts, then pants, then dresses.

  • Faye Faye on Sep 26, 2019

    First take everything out of the closet and put them into 3 piles. #1 clothes you haven't worn in a year (take into account the seasons). #2 clothes you like but don't fit or look good on you, or are out of date. #3 clothes you wear all the time or just simply love. Next the clothes you wear all the time are separated by items-blouses, skirts, pants, dresses. Then by color. Hang these in the closet with the items you wear the most in the center (ie blouses and pants, then dresses, etc. The ones you don't wear but can't part with can be put at each end of closet or boxed and put under bed. Rehang the remaining items you need for current season in center of closet and out of season at each end or box out of season and keep under bed or other appropriate storage space. If wool, use moth balls.