How can I repair a torn carpet seal near the doorway?

by Mellinee
  3 answers
  • Hi, Mellinee!

    The seal may have to be replaced with one that is a bit wider. It is easy to do, and most home improvement stores carry the seals. They are either metal or wood, and I believe they come with nails but I've also purchased small screws and installed them that way. I hope this helps!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 02, 2019

    Hello Mellinee,

    If you can, remove the seal around the carpet. repair the carpet using carpet tape and a warm iron, or maybe Stitching or use Gaffer tape. Replace the seal and hey presto!

  • Mellinee Mellinee on Oct 02, 2019

    I had thought the same thing, possibly gluing with Gorilla glue and getting a wider seal......thanks so much for the responses!