How do I get rid of rats?

by Maria
  4 answers
  • Mary Mary on Oct 18, 2019

    More info, in or outside, rats or mice

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Oct 18, 2019

    The easiest way is to remove all food sources and set out rat poison. The sticky cardboard traps also work well. Also close all trash containers so they can't get into them.

  • Oliva Oliva on Oct 22, 2019

    Bird feeders, animal feces, pet foods (from you or neighbors) not securely stored will invite rats, as will compost piles too close to your house, openings in your home's foundation or roof, overhanging trees and trellises, wood piles, hay and straw bales, grass seed, heavily mulched areas where rats can hide, etc..

    Rodents are attracted to abandoned vehicles where they can nest inside or under the hood and chew wiring and chew upholstery.

    Place numerios amounts of scented dryer sheets inside and beneath and stored vehicles. Spray peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils, clove oils, garlic sprays to deter rodents.

    If you have abandoned properties nearby, this can also invite rats. Contact your municipality or health department, if needed, for help with this.

    Because rodents chew on wood and wiring, and bring diseases into your home, you need to locate the problem, set rat traps, or call in professionals. Otherwise, you risk thousands of dollars in damage and potential structural and health related issues.