How do I get rid of gnats that are indoors?

by Amy
  4 answers
  • Dish of vinegar or soda pop will attract them. My girlfriend used a dish of Kahlua and she said it worked like magic.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Nov 21, 2019

    They come in with the produce, so get it all put away. I do not like my bananas in the fridge so I put it under the glass cake keeper when I can. Spray EVERY drain in the home every day for a week or 10 days (they live and hatch in the moist drains) tubs, showers, every sink in every room etc. After ten days if you see no more, squirt them once a week on weekly cleaning routine. I use Simple Green. It kills them and keeps them away.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 21, 2019

    Wash your produce as soon as you bring it home, it has the eggs on the outside skin and when they hatch, they hatch...and these are the pests that fly about and annoy most everyone. As soon as you have it washed, place the produce in the refrig, with the exception of bananas.

    Since you washed the eggs down the sink drain , they could hatch there, for that you could use 1/2 cup baking soda followed by 1 cup white vinegar. When the bubbling reaction calms down, rinse well with hot tap water. You might want to consider covering the drain for a few days.

    For the airborne pests, I use a sticky pad from Walmart, the ones intended to trap mice. Just peel the plastic cover off and lay it flat. Then I place a piece of sweet decaying fruit-such as a small piece of apple in the center of this pad. They will land with anticipation of a treat, never to bother you again.

    Best to you.

  • Trudy Trudy on Nov 23, 2019

    I use a small bottle with a narrow mouth and put vinegar inside. They fly in, get trapped and die. Easy and cheap!