How do I stop deer from eating my flowers/vegetables?

by Maxine

How do I get the deers from eating my flowers and vegetables every year m

  12 answers
  • The only foolproof way is to build a fence

  • Cindy Cindy on Jan 23, 2020

    Hi Maxine. We live by the DuPage River and have woods around our property. So we see a lot of wild life, including deer. My vegetable garden was like a buffet for them. The only thing that kept the critters out of my garden was Irish Spring soap that I shredded. Now when I put my garden in every year, I put the shredded soap around the perimeter of my garden and down the rows. I have had good results using the shredded soap and I recommend it for you.

    • Maxine Maxine on Jan 23, 2020

      Thank you so much. I'm definitely going to get some Irish spring and give it a try.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 23, 2020

    Hello. Indeed a frustrating situation.

    Generally fencing and cautious plant choices before planting.

    This was one of my exam questions.

    Perhaps these references might help you.

    Generally unless you want to construct tall fencing being aware of what deer like and dislike is advisable and to be aware of repellents effectiveness.

    1-Preventive deterrent by plant/ landscaping choices could offer deer resistance

    Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance This publication can offer homeowner comprehensive detailing that might aid in making the right choices before planting. Regional differences in deer species and plants could apply.

    2-Deer a garden pest

    3- Research has shown that, while that odor repellents tend not to work, taste repellents can be very effective. Any repellent with egg solids, blood, hot pepper, or capsaicin as an ingredient is your best choice. Some repellents contain both eggs and hot pepper or capsaicin, and those work particularly well.

    Additional non edu sources include

    Deer-Resistant Plants and Flowers: Keep Deer Out of Your Garden | The Old Farmer's Almanac

    Deer Resistant Plant Lists by State

    Deer Resistant Plants: 20 Deer Proof Shrubs, Flowers & Groundcovers | Garden Design

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jan 23, 2020

    Hi Maxine,

    The fence is a tried and true way to keep deer out. If you thought raised bed gardening might work, it is like a buffet table. I have never tried Irish Spring soap, but have heard it works, have to keep it refreshed when the scent diminishes.

  • K. Rupp K. Rupp on Jan 23, 2020

    We use Liquid Fence. You can get it at Home Depot or Lowes. That stuff definitely works. spray right on the plants you want to keep roses, flowers etc. For vegetable garden, spray around it like the perimeter. Though for a vegetable garden, you will need some extra netting as well. Try to spray every night.

  • We used a device called the Scarecrow. It is motion-activated and shoots water at anything that goes near it. Available on Amazon.

  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on Jan 23, 2020

    I have heard you can spread urine on your plants and deer don't like the smell

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 23, 2020

    I second the Irish Spring suggestion for an easy fix. You can go to a hair salon and get hair. Then scatter it around. Either of these methods will have to be refreshed as the scent fades.

    You can also plant sages, lavender, peonies, and bearded irises because they don't like the smell. Foxglove, daffodils and poppies are also plants that deer avoid, something about a toxicity.

    Electric fencing will keep them away if you want to go with a simple fence that isn't visible. Just make sure you have the light visible or you can easily shock yourself (speaking from experience).

  • My cousin uses a vegetable peeler on a bar of Irish Spring soap and scatters the shavings around her plants. There's also a product called Bobbex that works really well if you have something that is very precious to you.

    I read this from Gma Kirk: A farmer gave me a gross recipe for repellent...but it works. cup or two of urine, tablespoons of crushed garlic, and cayenne pepper, two eggs in a gallon jug, shake well, fill rest of the way with water. Cap and let age a week. Then you drizzle small stream around the perimeter of whatever you want to keep them from eating. Works on rabbits, too

  • Joyce L Nevels Joyce L Nevels on Jan 23, 2020

    I am not sure this will work on deer, but it works on cats, snakes, etc...Moth balls

    • Maxine Maxine on Jan 23, 2020

      I've used moth balls before. It worked great for the snakes in my garden before.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jan 23, 2020

    On my flowers and shrubs I use a mix of 1 egg, 1tblsp dish soap, 1/2 cup milk and the remainder of water in a gallon jug. Spray it on plants and repeat after a rain. You could probably use this on vegetables also since there is nothing toxic in the mix. Usually one gallon lasts me all summer and works really well. Just wash your veggies before using.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jun 14, 2021

    Hi Maxine, here's a really great article that has all kinds of useful tips on keeping deer away -