What to do with old mirror?

Meagan Palmer
by Meagan Palmer

My husband found, what appears to be, an antique/ old mirror. It's beaten up a bit, as you can see. I'm trying to decide what to do with it. My first thought was to do something very "me", as in spray paint it gold, and then either paint a little design, or glue a mosaic with glass tiles. But now I'm not sure, since it does appear to be a good quality, pretty old, mirror. I'd love ideas for this!

Edit- here's what I ended up doing with the mirror. I was inspired by many things suggested here. Then I took a look at what I had in my home already, and went with that. The branches and leaves were all done with a hot glue gun and paint.

Still needs to be cleaned up a bit, but I'm quite pleased. If anyone has any suggests or comments on this, I'm all ears. icon

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