How do I handle spots on my rose bushes and my Carolina Jasmine?

Every year my red rose bush comes up with beautiful leaves. Then it starts, three leaves, then six and so forth until the whole bush has brown spots. Now, my pink rose bush is doing the same and so is my Carolina Jasmine. What is it and what do I need to do please?

My Carolina Jasmine with spotted leaves.

My pink rose

  5 answers
  • Macel Posey Macel Posey on Apr 08, 2020

    That is black spot and there is no known cure. I throw

    Bayer Bayers rose fertilizer around the rose starting in March and feed the same every month until Aug. I stop after Aug. Water good so it sinks into the ground. It helps but doesn't cure. You will have beautiful flowers and they detract from the leaves. I also pick as many leaves off the bush as possible and keep the ground raked clean.

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 08, 2020

    Hi Sylvia, Leaf spot disease is caused by various strains of fungus, which attack the Carolina jasmine and create small raised areas, dots or patches. These discolorations are usually brown or yellow in color and can range in size from a small dot to covering the entire the leaf. Caroline jasmine can generally handle leaf spot disease with no serious damage.

    Hope this helps you out! Also here, is a link to assist you

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Apr 08, 2020

    You might try spraying them with neem oil, it looks like a fungus. Here is a link that might help you:

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 08, 2020

    Mouthwash has strong anti-fungal properties. It can be used to get rid of powdery mildew and other fungal infections from your garden. For this, mix 75% of water and 25% of mouthwash to make a working solution and spray it on the infected parts.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 08, 2020

    Hello. Here are some health tips for roses. I hope this helps.

    1-Provide air circulation

    Considerations to implement to provide air circulation

    *Plant appropriately away from structures and adjacent plants.

    * Prune when dormant to open the shrub canopy.

    *Encourage growth in open shape that allows air movement.

    “ Roses need sunshine their diseases dont”

    2-Avoid overhead watering, water in the early part of the day

    “This allows wet leaves to dry and will reduce humidity.”

    Considerations to implement to provide water in most effective way to prevent disease

    *Low lying soil based irrigation efforts such as Soaker hoses, drip irrigation

    3-Practice good sanitation

    Considerations to implement to provide good sanitation

    *Removal and destruction of diseased plant parts.

    *Pruning raking removal fallen leaves and dead flowers.

    *Destroy - don't compost fallen or diseased material- send to landfill or burn.

    *Continuous intervention-it's Ok-at any time -reassess and observe to remove diseased leaves, prune, rake away fallen foliage and debris.

    Additionally for the best local professional advice

    I would highly suggest contacting your cooperative extension. These offices are manned by volunteer master gardeners on site there waiting to answer the communities questions that know your local situation quite well.

    Master gardeners are required to volunteer back designated hours ( plus continuing education) each year to maintain MG certification -this community outreach and education is their goal.

    If your office is closed....there Might be alternative online venues like Ask an Expert as well as emailing your local master gardeners extension office for their
