What Fruit is This?

by Louise
My neighbor is Chinese and has a very nice garden near the street. I asked him what these were during one of my daily walks, but he didn't know the English word for it. Do you know what they are? Here are two photos.One shows what I assume is the ripe fruit (red) and the others are still working on it. They're in a tree about 20 feet tall. It's a slender, somewhat delicate-looking tree. The fruit is smallish, maybe 2 inches at most in length and about 1 /14 inch or so across.
  15 answers
  • Linda Rubin Linda Rubin on Sep 06, 2012
    Kind of looks like passion fruit
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Sep 07, 2012
    If the ripe fruit were more orange than red I might guess that it was a hachiya persimmon.
  • Louise Louise on Sep 07, 2012
    It was very red. A darkish red, actually.
  • Paul M Paul M on Sep 07, 2012
    I don't know what it is but I do know that it is not a passion fruit. Passion fruit grows on a vine not in a tree.
  • Patience T Patience T on Sep 07, 2012
    persimmons maybe
  • Louise Louise on Sep 07, 2012
    No, he has a nearby persimmon tree. These are longer than the "squattier" persimmons.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Sep 08, 2012
    Hachiya persimmons are longer than the fuyus. Perhaps he'll give you one and you can cut it open.
  • Louise Louise on Sep 08, 2012
    Ohhhh, OK, so these are persimmons, too? I've never even tasted a persimmon. He gave me some figs a few weeks ago which were quite tasty. I stopped to comment on his crops and he handed me some figs. Nice fellow.
  • Sarah T Sarah T on Sep 08, 2012
    I've seen several types of persimmons, running farmers markets in CA - and none of the varieties every looked like that. I wonder if its been crossed with something and its a hybrid now.
  • Louise Louise on Sep 09, 2012
    I might have discovered what this is. A friend was telling me about the great garden she inherited from the Chinese family whom she bought her house from and she mentioned jujubes, or Chinese date trees. Could this be the same, I wonder?
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Sep 10, 2012
    That seems decidedly possible, Louise.
  • Paul M Paul M on Sep 10, 2012
    I have never had any of that fruit but I have seen pictures of them and those do look like the photos of Jujubes I have seen before. I didn't know they were Chinese though. I have heard they taste a bit like pawpaw but once again I have not had the pleasure of comparing them, yet.
  • Louise Louise on Sep 10, 2012
    I sent the photo to my friend who has this growing in HER yard and she told me that it is a jujube. Mystery solved!
  • Paul M Paul M on Sep 11, 2012
    If you get some Louise please let us know what the fruit is like. I know of several nurseries that sell these trees but I have avoided buying any because I have no idea what they are like.
  • Louise Louise on Oct 19, 2012
    I never got any of this man's fruit, but yesterday a Korean friend offered me a piece of a rice cake. It had fruit in it so I asked what the fruit was. Some were raisins, which I knew, but she said the larger pieces were jujube. They were dried, obviously, and to me, tasted very similar to the raisins, but at least twice the size of a raisin.