Rosa Rugossa

Liana B
by Liana B
I have a few Rosa plants that I planted last spring as twigs. They have grown incredibly but still haven't bloomed. Is there a maturation period or should I be giving them a specific type of fertilzer?
  1 answer
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Oct 12, 2012
    Liana, I have read reports of it taking four years for roses grown from seed to reach blooming age. It's hard to know how old old your plants are, but it wouldn't surprise me if it took a couple of years to see blooms. Whatever the time, in my book rugosas are worth the wait. I had a large number of them at my home in New York and fertilized with Rose-Tone in the spring and then again after the first flush of bloom. Rugosas are nearly trouble-free, and they greatly resent any kind of spray.