1958 3 bed ranch with basement staircase between living room & kitchen

by Mlw
Basement stair case is between the living room and kitchen would like ideas for more open floor plan. Moving stair case can very costly, but open for suggstions. River view through living room 120" window is very pretty and relaxing. Thanks for any ideas or web sites with ideas.

  3 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jan 23, 2018

    If you decide not to move the staircase, maybe you can hang big mirrors to reflect that terrific view through the living room and kitchen. ☺️

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 23, 2018

    We have the same arrangement in our 1954 ranch. The biggest problem would be if the walls are support walls. I would suggest having it checked out by a pro to see if it would be possible to eliminate part of both walls to make the first part of the stairway open like pass through on both sides with some kind of posts to use for support.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jan 24, 2018

    If you do not want to move the stairs, which can be an expensive and impossible task depending on the layout of your home, I have seen where the heavy railing has been changed to something see through like glass or plexiglass, which takes away from the bulkiness of the structure, lets the light in and will not show up like a bulky railing.