How to update old gold glass framed shower doors and lighting fixtures

by Lisa
My house was built in 1989. The shower door frames and light fixtures are ugly gold. This includes the foyer chandelier. They look like new, are in great shape, but the finish dates them. How can they be updated successfully to increase value to my property but keep neutral for potential buyers?

My Neighbors would appreciate this input to since it is track housing.

  5 answers
  • Twe22090338 Twe22090338 on Feb 10, 2018

    I had the same issue a while back, here's what I did for all but the shower frames, as I didn't have those.

    I took every door knob, cupboard knob, , bathroom fixtures, hanging lamp, chandelier and even the spy hole on the front door off or down and took them into the shop and cleaned them well with TSP. Then I wiped the parts I wanted to spray down with rubbing alcohol to get any residue and my finger print oils off and sprayed them with a rubbed bronze spray paint on a very still day. (I say still because I had the windows and doors open for ventilation and I didn't want dust to settle on the new paint. After I let them completely dry, I sprayed them again with a protective clear coat. Then let them dry again and put them all back in place.

    The result looked extremely high end, since all were matching and not the usual silver or gold colored.

    I took less than 3 cans of paint from Home Depot for the whole lot and I got those when they were on sale. So, I spent less than $35 in all and that included the masking tape for use on the lamps. (You don't want the paint to get into any of the electrical sockets)

    I liked it so much I later did 2 outdoor lights with the left overs.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 10, 2018

    Change foyer chandelier and sell the one you take down ( someone might be after just that style). You could do the same with the shower doors, or use Contact to cover Gold Or there is Steel sticky back plastic available, or use Mosaic glass Tiles or Mirror Plastic.......

  • 861650 861650 on Feb 10, 2018

    In Hometalk, I see lots of great answers for painting and drying time but, I never see the answer to the "cure" time.

  • Twe22090338 Twe22090338 on Feb 10, 2018

    I imagine that if you could lift the shower doors out and mask them properly you could most likely use the same treatment. *In the bottom of the sliding areas you would need to put or replace the plastic slides (they might be hard silicon, so the doors don't sit in the residue water.)