Looking for an easy diy to hide to hide an ugly plastic toilet tank

by Lebas
I don't want to build anything nor do I like "skirts" a more recycle/upcycle idea is what im looking for, easy to execute

  7 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 13, 2017

    Box it in and use covered screws so if you have to you can get access.....

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Oct 13, 2017

    Do you by chance have a picture you can post?

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Oct 13, 2017

    IF you can find a box or something similar that's the perfect size to turn upside down and put over it, I can't think of anything that doesn't require cutting, nailing or any other type of work.

  • Bijous Bijous on Oct 13, 2017

    Wall paper it along with the wall behind it. Use a glue for plastic on the tank . It will blend into the background and not stand out. Good luck.

  • Bobbie Bobbie on Oct 13, 2017

    I don't know how much you can actually do to hide the tank, but there is a lot of decorating ideas you can do in the surrounding areas to distract the eyes from noticing it. Check out www.pinterest.com

  • SandyG SandyG on Oct 13, 2017

    Take of the back tank, carefully, and clean thoroughly on the outside of the tank and then spray paint it with Rustoleum paint for plastic.

  • Malicity D'Obscura Malicity D'Obscura on Oct 14, 2017

    How about the tiles that you can peel and stick?