Asked on Feb 23, 2015

Disassembling furniture that was glued together

by Jessica
I bought a piece of furniture that was half finished from a Craig's List ad. I could just finish it but I'd really like to take some of it apart and change it. I'm pretty sure the entire piece is just glued together (yes - somebody spent a ton of money on beautiful cherry hardwood and then just glue it!). So - barring cutting it up, does anybody know the best way to take apart a wood-glued piece of furniture?
  5 answers
  • Poiroe Poiroe on Feb 23, 2015
    you could try a hair dryer or heat gun (don't get too close) it might loosen the glue. .
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Feb 24, 2015
    Visit and ask Kristi - she knows everything about repurposing wood furniture!
  • Louise Louise on Feb 24, 2015
    take a big hammer to it.
  • Toni Pix Toni Pix on Feb 24, 2015
    try youtube I am sure there are alot of information there. Could you use a steamer to possibly loosen the glue to you can pull it apart???
  • Barb Burnham Barb Burnham on Feb 24, 2015
    Your choices are between moisture and heat. I believe I would try a heat gun first with concern for letting it get too hot and discoloring the wood or even fire. Heat so it is too warm to touch but not discoloring. As soon as it cools enough to handle or using silicone mitts gently begin to pull. Heat more, pull more following the process slowly until objective is achieved. Use basically the same process with steam; however, hear you are working with old wood that soak up moisture like a sponge. Then the wood must be completely dried prior to reuse just as agin wood for a fireplace. Without a wood drying kiln you're talking years. Without this wood will shrink as it dries and could actually ruin the end creation. That's why I am recommending the heat gun as first choice. Good luck to you. I see two small drawers with a dust guard made of cherry veneer over masonite Finished to match. The top covered with beveled glass. This leaves the veneered dust guard to display special family items.