How can I repot a plant whose roots are exposed?

by Jhc48313320
  9 answers
  • You need to get a pot large enough to cover/contain all of the roots and give them room to spread out. Remove the plant from the old pot and place it in the new one deep enough to cover any exposed roots. Cover with soil and be sure to water it.

  • Gk Gk on Jan 04, 2020

    Bigger pot, more dirt/potting soil. Loosen the roots lightly if they are curled around the dirt inside the pot and on the bottom before placing in the new pot.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jan 04, 2020

    This is a great time to consider using a larger pot and some fresh soil.

    Obtain the new larger planter -place A few inches of fresh soil on the bottom. Loosen the soil around the circumference of the pot with a knife gently lift out the plant -transfer the prepared new larger planter. Add additional soil if needed.


    I use SOIL MOIST in all my potted planters both indoor and outdoor. it works wonderfully in out hot dry summers to make watering demands a bit less frequent.

    Here’s the link with Q&A and reviews perhaps that can add some more information to assist you to make your choice of effective repotting needs. Its available at walmart and big box hardware stores. Happy gardening!

  • Em Em on Jan 04, 2020

    Go up a size or two in planters. Moisten soil in pot them tip over to remove and put in new pot. Cover with an inch or two of soil on top after you have filled in the sides with new soil.

    Make sure to use a pot with drainage on bottom. You can cover the hole at the bottom with a coffee filter or two before putting in soil to help keep it from flushing out.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 04, 2020

    Hi there,

    Buy a larger Pot and fresh compost. Knock it out of the original pot by tapping on the bottom whilst standing over somewhere the plant can land if it falls out. Place in drainage and then compost then plant and more compost to cover roots. tamp down with fingers and water, drain and then re-set in place..........Best wishes.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jan 04, 2020

    I did a hosta last year by slowly releasing from current pot, submerged in water to loosen. Then place in new pot and let roots slowly spread.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 04, 2020

    Hi Jhc48313320, you just need to go one size up on the new pot size, slowly loosen the plant from the old pot and set it into the new pot, gently tamp new soil around the sides and top to fill the new pot, water and fertilize as usual. Don't pack the new soil too tightly, it needs to be able to absorb water. Hope this helps you.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Jan 07, 2020

    Get a bigger pot and just add more dirt to cover the roots