Do you have an inexpensive way to make a small patio?

by Lin33361186
Have a LG tree outside my sunporc h door. Some roots above ground. A little old gravel, weeds. Always feels so dirty, can't enjoy the space. I am 70 and on fixed income. Would like to be able to set out there. I love primitive and decorate with old "stuff". Please, any ideas?

  1 answer
  • Kauai Breeze Kauai Breeze on May 27, 2018

    If it is a shady area, plant moss. Put down strips of heavy duty landscape fabric to make a path to walk on, then rake the gravel onto the pathway. Then spray the open area with straight white vinegar once a week to kill any grass or weeds (it also lowers the soil PH for the moss). Then when the weather is cool and damp, collect several patches of soft green moss from the woods. Put this moss in the blender with lots of water and chop it for a few seconds or until it is well mixed. Put the moss/water mixture into your watering can and sprinkle over the dirt. Have patience, but the moss spores will grow into a beautiful carpet of green that will take some foot traffic. Japanese gardens are famous for their moss carpets, which they sweep with a broom.