In a self cleaning oven electric can i use spray oven cleaner?

by Faye
use a spray oven cleaner to help clean the oven door better I know you don't suppose to clean your oven with a cleaner but was wondering around the over door and the door if it needs it thanks

  2 answers
  • C C on Feb 24, 2018

    Use a paste made of baking soda and water. Scrub and then wipe clean.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Feb 24, 2018

    If you do not turn the self cleaning feature on - you can use oven cleaner. Nothing wrong with oven cleaner - it is based on lye soap . (which used to be made from ashes) Just be careful. It can burn your skin, and blind you. Wear gloves and safety goggles. Clean off with paper towels.