Asked on Nov 13, 2018

How do I get rid of a brown stain in a electric kettle?

by Myrtle

This stain is a ring like at the base of the kettle

  3 answers
  • Gol25430708 Gol25430708 on Nov 13, 2018

    Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Make a paste and scrub.

  • Margaret Lennox Margaret Lennox on Nov 13, 2018

    I've been successful with filling it with coffee pot cleaner.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Nov 13, 2018

    It's from the heating element and the mineral deposits in water. Put some white vinegar in it and turn it on,let it boil then wipe it out may need to scrub with scrubber pad a little or just keep repeating the boiling vinegar thing. Do this regularly and you won't get this build up . This works great in coffee pots put in place of water run thru several times,irons,even dishwashers & clothes washers. Vinegar is a natural water softener. Food safe & makes glass shiny.Reuse & dump hot vinegar in drains,garbage disposal,toilet or on some weeds you've been trying to get rid of.