How to remove fingerprints and grime from stainless steel fridge?

Dorva Harbur
by Dorva Harbur

  5 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on May 01, 2019

    I wiped mine with warm soapy water and a damp rag. If that does not make it shiny and printless enough, I use a small spritz of window cleaner on a dry rag and wipe it, then dry it with another dry clean rag. This always seems to work fine. It is mild and won't hurt the surface. I also use window cleaner to wash the inside of the fridge, or Simple Green. Hope this helps Dorva.

  • Dfm Dfm on May 01, 2019

    there are spray bottles of stainless steel cleaners. how ever. There are stainless steal "looks" if a magnet sticks to it your good with the cleaner. if plastic, warm water.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 01, 2019

    Damp microfiber cloth, nothing else. I use SuperCloth which is very similar to the kind of cloth that comes with a pair of glasses, just larger. I use it on windows, screens, mirrors, and stainless steel. Well worth the investment because I don't have to buy cleaners.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on May 01, 2019

    I like endust green apple cleaner and it makes the kitchen smell good too!

  • Deborah Griffey Hughes Deborah Griffey Hughes on May 02, 2019

    I use my Norwex window enviro cloth and then their window cloth. (Norwex picks up 99% bacteria, grease, etc. with only water. And they are washable which means they last for years.) I highly recommend them! There are no cleaners in our house. (I'm not a sales rep for Norwex...just a very satisfied customer.)