How do I clean a shower head that I am unable to unscrew?

by Eileen
  4 answers
  • Hi Eileen! You can fill a ziplock bag full of vinegar, put your shower head inside the bag, and secure it with a thick rubber band. Let it soak for about 30 minutes to an hour. You might have to use a toothbrush to remove the stuck on particles that the vinegar didn't dissolve.

  • Luz Luz on Apr 30, 2019

    Also try DW40 in the bag with water

    • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Apr 30, 2019

      EEwww! would not want to use the shower head and get that in my hair,mouth and eyes, even if you clean it after it gets inside shower head,terrible idea to use it on shower doors or to clean tub/showers, even toilets.....also you shouldn't spray toxic solvents down the drain. If you don’t currently read labels, now will be a good time to start. It's a toxic petroleum product.It is harmful or FATAL if swallowed, it contains petroleum distillates. There are also a lot of other related warnings. Life forms absorb chemicals through the skin – toxins end up in the liver. While there are claims on the internet that this is non-toxic – remember it is a petroleum product!

      The warnings are there because laws forced the chemical company to put them on the labels. Warnings are not there because the chemical company loves you or cares for your safety! The chemical company is protected from lawsuits by putting warning labels on the product. If the consumer fails to read the label and something goes wrong, it is the consumer who loses. I am sure that they would be perfectly happy for you to use their product for everything that you can possibly find to use it on, since this means more profits from sales.another problem is that oil & water do not mix.sorry Luz just think this is a bad idea all around

  • Joy Elizabeth Joy Elizabeth on Apr 30, 2019

    I've seen lots of people have luck with a bag filled with the cleaner and water, and attached to the shower head to soak with a rubber band.