How can I get the smoke smell out of clothes?

I love your page.I would like to know how to get the smell of smoke out of clothes
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 08, 2017

    Wash them with white vinegar and washing soda

    • Mon11762196 Mon11762196 on Apr 08, 2017

      i agree! White vinegar deodorizes and cleans clothes and bedding , towels etc in my opinion better than bought laundry detergent . Whst I do is I soak clothes etc in the washer with just the vinegar in the water for a few hours then cycle the washing machine then iill wash it like a regular load with laundry soap etc. I also buy big boxes of baking soda just for this purpose and will soak clothes in the washer in it as well to deodorize .

  • Mon11762196 Mon11762196 on Apr 08, 2017

    Claudine, sometimes it can take more than one soaking / washing with white vinegar and or baking soda in your machine if the smell is strong , that's why I try to fill up my washing machine with water and the vinegar and let the clothes soak fpr hours first and see if you can still smell any odors , if you do then you can repeat . Best of luck to you

  • L L on Apr 09, 2017

    How about quit smoking? Only the people who care will hope the smoker to quit for better health.

  • Dfm Dfm on Apr 10, 2017

    what type of smoke- been out by the fire pit and smell like wood smoke or are you talkin' tobacco smoke?

  • Dfm Dfm on Apr 10, 2017

    or is it the house burned down and you are trying to salvage items?